BOLECTION: a decorative moulding that separates two planes (or surfaces)
LIMEWOOD: easily carveable straight grained hardwood, European. Harder than it’s north American counterpart – Basswood.
ACANTHUS: a plant – as a design motif it often represents rebirth, or immortality. Used for centuries
SIGHT EDGE: the edge of the frame against the image area
SGRAFFITO: basically, it’s Italian for scratched. Scratching through a colour layer to reveal the colour underneath
PEARLS AND ASTRAGALS: a beading row or design with beads and bars – think morse code
FRIEZE: a panel of carved, sculpted or painted decoration,
FLUTES: shallow grooves across a surface
MEDALLIONS: discs or raised round decoration places evenly or as anchors to corners
OGEE: an s- shape, either soft or acute
SALVATOR ROSA: a 17th century painter, who has nothing to do with the frame styles named after him. The molding would have a high outer edge followed by a wider center swoop/hollow, and a rounded raised sight edge – it leads your eye into the center.
EBONIZED: the darkening or blackening of wood to look like ebony using an acid and iron solution that darkens the actual grain