At a picture framing seminar in Montreal years ago, a speaker talked about training in Italy where he apprenticed with a master gilder for a year. The day began at dawn, and they’d work non stop until about two, when they’d sit outside at a table for a long leisurely lunch, and enjoy a glass of wine while they talked of art and framing and gilding and life. Then back to work until dark. I never forgot his face as he told his story- and often thought how much I would have loved that life.

My studio in a renovated military unit at home is nowhere near Italy but there is a patio under some maple trees that is perfect for a break from work. When not at my day job supporting my bad habits, or crying over endless renos in my #crookedhouse, I am in that studio. Working on drawings, repairing old frames or building new ones…and now, making an interactive virtual Salon and gallery, complete with beautiful Italian frames made by someone else about 300 years ago πŸ™‚ To have a better look, hover over any piece of artwork and click it….(use a back button to return here) Questions about the portraits? Inspired to sart your own Salon wall? Got an art joke? Send me a message! Visit the contact page.