From a series named edith died laughing, inspired by stories of my Grandmother (who died laughing), a box of her carefully cut-out paper dolls, and an inherited sense of humour. Works on panels, canvas, and paper, and a series of note cards.
Self PortraitNanny has a 5.3 HP Husqvarna with Vibration DampingMillicent and Broadaxe Shaded Plumes, Organdy, Silk Crepe, and 8 Pound Sledge Hammer Molly, the Lee Speed, and Dinner Plans Roast Duckling SupremeAlice was NOT Running with Swords Roast Duckling SupremeParker, Bill, Winifred, Gleniver, Pullin, Brunhilde, Ruth, Marjory, and MargaretThe League of Headless GentlemenProhibition